Florida's adoption initiative aimed at promoting the benefits of public adoption. Explore Adoption urges families to consider creating or expanding their families by adopting a child who is older, has special needs, or is a part of a sibling group. Through public education, expanded partnerships and social media, Explore Adoption invites Floridians to learn more about the children immediately available for adoption in their home state and community.
Florida contracts with local partners to provide a variety of adoption and post adoption services.
Use the links below to find contacts in your area.
Use the search function to list the children available.
Each child has a narrative which introduces you to them.
Submit a request for more information.
The Florida Adoption Transparency site is an online data collection tool designed to gather information for finalized adoptions completed by adoption entities.
Pursuant to Chapter 63.097, Florida Statutes, information must be submitted no later than the 15th day of the month following the preceding quarter. Information on finalized adoptions completed by Community Based Care Lead Agencies is obtained from DCF's Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) and updated in the dashboard.