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Post Adoption Frequently Asked Questions

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What if I move?

If you move or change your address, please put your new address in writing and send it to the Community Based Care Lead Agency’s Adoption Subsidy Eligibility Specialist. To locate your CBC’s contact information please visit DCF's Lead Agency Information page. If you move out of the state of Florida, it is very important that you make the Adoption Subsidy Specialist aware so that specialist can complete the necessary paperwork to transfer your child’s adoption Medicaid. The process to open Adoption Medicaid in another state can take at least 30 days to complete.

Based on IV-E funding, should family move out of State, Medicaid may not continue with Florida. This should be discussed with adoption worker to address other options and avoid loss of benefits.

When are monthly adoption subsidy payments mailed?

Each community base care agency makes a payment schedule for adoption subsidy. Please contact your local community base care agency or the Adoption Information Center for additional information.

Whom should I contact if there is a problem with the adoption subsidy check or if I have not received it?

Please contact the Community Based Care Lead Agency to speak with the Adoption Subsidy Specialist. If your check is delayed, please wait 10 days before contacting their office.

Where can I obtain a copy of my child’s Adoption Finalization Order?

You may obtain a certified copy of your Adoption Finalization Order from the courthouse where the adoption finalization occurred. Please visit Florida Clerk of Court Offices. You will need to bring identification to obtain a copy. The Community Based Care Lead Agency is unable to give out Certified Copies of your Adoption Finalization Order. Requesting them from the courthouse is the only way to obtain a certified copy of the Adoption Finalization Order.

Your attorney is also able to attain this immediately following the adoption by asking the judge to sign the order and having it certified.

Where do I get my child’s new birth certificate?

Your Adoption Attorney should file the necessary paperwork for you to receive a birth certificate with your child’s new name (if applicable.) You will obtain a new birth certificate several weeks after Adoption Finalization. For any questions, contact the attorney who finalized the adoption.

How do I obtain a new Social Security Card?

To obtain a new Social Security card (if this is something your adoption attorney does not do) obtain an application from the Social Security Administration. It is recommended that you submit the new birth certificate (if applicable) and certified Adoption Finalization Order when you submit the Social Security card application. The website is

How do I obtain a new Medicaid Card?

Requests for a new card must be made to the Community Based Care Lead Agency’s Adoption Subsidy Specialist. New cards can take up to 45 days to receive.